Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Enjoying Your TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro)

A wash n' go style with Eco Styler Gel
 at 3 months Natural
Sometimes I find people in hair forums who are trying to figure out what to do with their TWA a.k.a. "Teeny Weeny Afro".  Everytime I see this I think to myself, don't they realize how good they've got it?  When I was new to being natural and my hair was shorter than ever, I embraced it.  It was so much fun!  Now don't get me wrong, it took some getting used to.  However, after a nine month transition, it seemed like my hair wasn't short for very long. 

When I think back on it, all I can remember is how easy it was.  My routine was pretty simple.  Each day I either re-wet my hair with my homemade spritz or co-washed it in the shower with a cheapie conditioner.  I didn't really use a lot of products.  I moisturized my hair with leave-in conditioner, my aloe/glycerin/water spray or shea butter.  I tried a few different hair gels and realized that Eco Styler worked the best for making my curls pop.  Other than that, I played around with finger coils, the conditioner only method, and hair accessories.  This was also the time when I started wearing earings more often which turned out to be a great compliment to my short hair. 

Using a large, snap barrett
for something different
My only piece of advice for anyone who is wondering about caring for their short fro is to consider what season you'll be doing the Big Chop.  Why?  Think about it, the only way to work with your newly natural hair will be when it's wet or damp.  So, doing the BC during the winter months is probably not the way to go unless there's no way around it.  This is precisely why I decided to cut the last of my relaxed ends off in May of 2009.  By the fall, I had enough hair to do braid outs, blow-outs, and individual braids.   Other than that, I think you should enjoy your short and sassy TWA.  It's fun and easy to care for.  Ultimately though, for anyone who is going Natural for the long haul, it is also just the beginning.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Denver Natural Hair Meet-Up!

A fellow blogger and I are happy to announce that Denver is going to have a Natural Hair Meet-up.  Sabrina Perkins from the blog, "Seriously Natural" has set the date for June 25, 2011.  It will be very informal and more like a Girl's Night Out.  We basically have a reservation set for a small group at a local restaurant downtown where we can eat and have drinks.  With this being our first outing, everyone will be expected to pay for their own meal and cocktails.  Hopefully, in the future, we'll be working with a sponsor, but for now, we just want to get out there and start meeting other Naturals. 

I'm so excited because I've seen other Naturals and Transitioners around from time to time but haven't made any real connections yet.  So if your in the Denver area and are Natural, Transitioning or thinking about becoming Natural we hope to see you there. 

Denver Natural Hair Meet-Up

Place:  The Rio Grande, Mexican Restaurant
           1525 Blake Street
           Denver, CO 80202

Date:  June 25, 2011
Time:  6:00pm

*Reservation under Seriously Natural or Sabrina Perkins

R.S.V.P via email to seriouslynatural4@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Celebrating 2 Years with Natural Hair

This week marks my two year Natural Hair anniversary.  What does that mean exactly?  Well, it was two years ago this week that I decided to go ahead with the Big Chop and finally let go of the last of my relaxed hair.  Since then, I have tried many different styling techniques and hair products hoping to find what works best for my thick and curly hair texture.  There have been some hits and surely lots of misses but it has been a learning experience all the same. 

The reason for all of my trial error is because I wore my hair straightened by chemical relaxer since age 11.  Before that, my mother styled my hair so the last two years have been my first experience with doing my hair in its' natural state.  Not only that, my hair is beginning to grow past the shorter lengths I am used to which means I'm also learning how to maintain my length. 

So proud of my TWA
in 2009
Still, even after all of the research, hair forums, YouTube videos and my own personal hair trials, I am discovering that I still have a long way to go before I can claim that I have mastered my hair.  My natural hair journey hasn't exactly been easy but it is still something I wish that I had done sooner.  It just makes so much sense to do my hair without all of the extra manipulation that comes with heat styling and chemical processing.  I don't run inside when it rains.  I enjoy my fro and my big hair.  When I get that itch to wear it straight, I can do that too.  I love my natural hair and I can't wait to see where it ends up in the next two years. 


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